Hello and welcome to another episode of RGDS. This time we battle out the best video game released in the year 1985.
Yes its another mega show, where we your humble hosts discuss and battle out the best game released in 1986. It's an amazing year chock full of all time classics.. So come and join us to a happier, simpler time where social networking meant going down the pub and fast food meant your Mum making you beans on toast.
Ways to Contact Us:
RGDS Podcast - @RGDSPodcast
Garron - @RetroShumper
Ric - @RetroRic79
Gordon King - @UKTKingy
Paul Driscoll - @THeDrisk
Read more at http://retrogamingdailyshow.libsyn.com/#ABDzCLRseXOieLg8.99