Welcome to another fun filled episode of RGDS
Today's show is hosted by Garron, Aaron and the man previously known as Andrew Foster ...."Mr Rock &Roll"
The main topic today is "The Sega Saturn" plus the lads talk about what they have been up to, what they have been playing.
You can follow me on Twitter @RGDSPodcast, check out my Facebook page www.retrogamingdailyshow.com or my blog at https://rgdspodcast.blogspot.com/
, RGDS is also now available on iTunes at https://itunes.apple.com/gb/podcast/retrogamingdailyshows-podcast/id954142242
Or the RSS feed http://retrogamingdailyshow.libsyn.com/size/2
You can also follow the on Twitter
Garron = @Retroshumper
Mr Rock & Roll = @andyfostermusic
Aaron = @aaronub4t
Here are the links that the guys mention in this episode
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